
Complete Science


Homeopathy is a complete medical science which has a clear-cut advantage over other systems of Medicine. It considers the entire individual, his psychological and physical make-up as well as the complete evolution of the disease while prescribing a remedy.


Aims at removing the Cause


In today’s conventional practice, the physician spends very little time with the patient. He may listen to what is wrong with you and just give some medication for that particular suffering only. But a Homeopath will inquire into the cause behind the trouble and go to the root of the disease. For example: Your recurring headaches may be due to some other disorder in your body such as constipation or acidity or it may be due to stress. A homeopath will aim to remove the reason behind the headaches such as constipation, etc. or inquire patiently why are you stressed and show you the way out.


No Side Effects


Homeopathy is a side effect-free treatment that is gentle on the constitution. Homeopathic remedies are derivates of natural substances, and the doses prescribed by a qualified physician are never more than the patient actually needs.


Improves Immunity


Homeopathy works by stimulating and restoring the body’s vital energy to heal and when this happens you will be rid of each of your troubles small or big, old or new. Since the immune system is energized, Homeopathy protects you from future troubles also.


Safest Medicine


Homeopathy is very safe, even for pregnant women and babies. Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medications without causing any adverse interactions or reactions. Homeopathic medicines do not lead to any drug dependency or substance abuse.

  • Monday To Saturday(Morning) 8:00am - 9:00am
  • Monday To Saturday(Evening) 6:00pm - 9:00pm
  • Sunday Emergency Only

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