Homeopathy is the most practiced Holistic system of medicine in the world today. It is a medical science introduced by German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. MD in 1794. It is a scientific system of medicine based on certain fixed laws and principles.
Interestingly, The Homeopathic medicines are prepared in such a way that rather than using harsh chemicals for treating humans, homeopathy uses potentized medicine substances in the form of nanoparticles, which have been found treating disease at much deeper level.
Homeopathy is the most practiced Holistic system of medicine in the world today. It is a medical science introduced by German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. MD in 1794. It is a scientific system of medicine based on certain fixed laws and principles.
Interestingly, The Homeopathic medicines are prepared in such a way that rather than using harsh chemicals for treating humans, homeopathy uses potentized medicine substances in the form of nanoparticles, which have been found treating disease at much deeper level.
Homeopathic medicine acts on everyone, whether it be infants, children, youngster, adult, Pregnant ladies or old aged person.